Simultaneous interpreting services for the [avniR] conference organised by CD2E
Every year, CD2E (Création Développement des Éco-Entreprises) organises [avniR], an international conference [avniR] attended by 300 decision-makers from the private and public sectors as well as researchers and drawing offices in Villeneuve d’Ascq. The goal is to share the latest scientific progress concerning the Life-Cycle Assessment to enable each participant to act at their level to move towards a more environmentally-friendly society.
To ensure everybody understands and can participate in the very best conditions, CD2E once again called on ATI’s interpreting services.

Studying the layout of the congress for the translation of the event
Preparing for the translation of an event requiring live translation involves significant organisation upstream of the event itself. The first contacts, by email and then by phone, enable us to target the requirements of our client: We make ourselves aware of the main points (number of speakers and participants who require interpreting, meeting times, layout of each room…), determine together the type of interpreting envisaged (the symposium is translated simultaneously to avoid interrupting the flow of exchanges, but consecutive and whisper interpreting are other possibilities), and the number of interpreters required is calculated (they work in pairs and numerous workshops take place at the same time in the different Lilliad rooms).
2nd essential stage, we meet with the event organisers at the location prestation in order to fine-tune the technical part. The ATI technical partner teams up with us to envisage all the options: Is there enough space in each room to install the booths opposite the speakers? Is the sound system provided by Lilliad compatible with our equipment? We strive to provide every client with the best possible advice concerning the approach best suited to their event and its specific requirements.
The expertise of the ATI Project Managers
The support role of the ATI Project Managers is at its most important when organising our services. We centralise all the questions of the organisers and speakers; we answer them with the help of our technicians and interpreters; and vice versa.
We put together the teams of interpreters based on the language directions of course, as well as the fields of specialisation. For this service in Villeneuve d’Ascq, we decided to create pairs living in Lille Metropole are who we work with on a regular basis.
We also act as the interface with the client to obtain the working tools required to enable the interpreters (bound by a confidentiality obligation) to create a glossary of the terms used in the two languages to familiarise themselves with the technical terminology. The process of gathering together all this information is the key to ensuring the event can take place in a perfectly coordinated, efficient and professional manner.

Joint completion of the translation of the event.
It is important for us to be present on the day of the event to meet up with all the teams. We meet the participants and speakers, introducing them to the interpreters. We can also ensure, by working with the technician, that the equipment is delivered and successfully installed as well as reassuring the client as far as any final questions are concerned. Our onsite presence always proves essential: It enables us to meet up with a partner again, and the conversations following these services are always more pleasant. Because for an event organised by CD2E like for all our other clients, our role is only completed after a final conversation enabling us to share all the feedback received during the last few days.
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